The factory site is isolated as production area
The production area was separated from the surrounding habitation when the whole of the factory site was fenced off in 1932. Entry to the factory site was through guarded gates. At Jämsänkoski, the fence also symbolised the final move to the era of large-scale industry. The old Patalankoski paper mill, which a few years earlier had been converted into an assembly hall, burned down and was demolished in 1936. In its place was built Ilveslinna, the company social club. The east bank of the rapids was a kind of transitional area from the factory to the residential area. In the following decades the factory site expanded to the west and to the south. New papermaking machines demanded ever larger buildings. The completion of the railway and the building of Olkkola sawmill quietened the Alaja area. The railway bridge over the river was constructed to the south of the factory site. At the beginning of the 1960s, a new acid tower was completed and became a landmark of the factory site. In aerial pictures the red brick core of the factory site can still clearly be seen. At the end of the decade, a new evaporator and incinerator plant for spent liquor was built on the south side of the old paper mill. The salle for the fourth papermaking machine was erected by the Jämsä road and a new gate house, with a tunnel leading to the factory, was built on the east side of the road in 1971. The biggest change to the landscape arrived in the 1980s, when the Jämsänjoki river, flowing through the factory site, was redirected into a 640 metres long underground tunnel to accommodate the construction of the PK 5 salle. The new salles demanded by new papermaking machines and the new mechanical pulp refinery rise above the rest of the mass of buildings. The difference in the scale of the factory area and the surrounding residential area has grown during each decade of operation of the Jämsänkoski factories. |
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Museum24>At work>Forest industry>Environmental changes>Changing landscape>The factory site is isolated as production area