The museum's activities are concentrated in the summer, because the buildings are almost unheated in the winter. The first signs of life can be seen every spring during the cleaning bee and at the time of the Kuorevesi cycling event at the end of May. The museum is a watering point for the participants who have cycled around Kuorevesi lake. The summer season is opened by the Immi's day party, which is usually on Immi's name day on 11 June. Immi Hellén's poems are always a part of this event in some way or another.
The museum is open from Midsummer to the end of July and it is guided. On Midsummer Sunday, a service is held at the museum followed by coffee. The coffee afterwards is an important opportunity for the summer residents and the current and former Kuorevesi inhabitants to mingle. In July the museum has organised the museum hill art camp, which is led by the artist Anja Wikki. In the autumn, schoolchildren from Mänttä and Kuorevesi come to visit the museum.
The summer season has been ended a few times with the Kotiveräjillä poetry event. The event has been organised with the help of the Kuorevesi Society, the Kuorevesi youth society Nysä and the city of Jämsä. After the event there has been coffee at the museum while listening to the evening bells heard from Kuorevesi church.
In the summer of 2004 the poetry event was themed 'Lehmisavuilla' (a Lehmisavu was a smoking fire lit near the cows in the field to keep off mosquitoes and other insects) and one of the guests was a cow from Kivilahti house, which took part in a milking demonstration. In earlier years the museum organised more demonstrations, but now most of them are organised by Pihlaisto village society.
Kuoreveden Nuorisoseura Nysä (Kuorevesi youth society Nysä) Koululaisten kertomuksia museokäynnistä (Schoolchildren write about their visit to the museum) Pihlaiston perinneperjantai (Tradition Friday in Pihlaisto)