Transport at the sawmill and pulp mill
Raw material for Jämsänkoski sawmills was mostly brought in by floating. The finished sawn timber was taken along the river to Lake Päijänne and on to Anianpelto, from were they were hauled by horse to Loviisa for sale. Transport was only possible during open water. The first tug-boat to carry sawn timber along the Jämsänjoki river was 'Sampo', which from 1873 hauled timber from the sawmill to Päijänne. More information on craft in the Jämsä waterways under In the study /Old ships in Jämsä region. In the winter, goods were taken along the so-called pulp road by horse to Vilppula railway station. Initially, the mill’s transport was provided by farmer Pänkälä, but soon there was sufficient freight for other horse owners too. In the 1920s, paper and pulp from the mills were carried both by the company's horsemen and private individuals. Load size was usually 5 - 6 bales of pulp, or approx. 1,000 kilos. The first stop-off was the Syrjälä farmhouse 12 kilometres from Jämsänkoski. The nest rest break was at the Leppäjärvi farm, where the horses were also fed. In the afternoon, the horse continued to Vilppula, where the goods were offloaded into the company warehouse. As a return load, the company men brought rope and other necessaries to the mills. Private drivers brought goods ordered by shopkeepers. In the early evening, they again arrived at Leppäjärvi, where the company men spent the night. The private drivers stayed the night at the Leppälahti farm. They arrived back home to Jämsänkoski the following day. When the railway to Mänttä was completed in 1928, freight driving by horse stopped and lorry transport began. |
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