Schools of Koskenpää
The first school in Koskenpää was established only a few years after the first school of Jämsä, the Jokivarsi school, was started. The Siniänvirta school was the second school of Jämsä because Koskenpää was at that time a part of Jämsä, along with Jämsänkoski. The Siniänvirta school was started in 1879 in Koskenpää, and it operated in rented p All of the Koskenpää schools apart from the central school were closed down by 1971. Next, a short introduction to the central school of Koskenpää and introductions of the discontinued schools of Koskenpää. More information Copy: Saija Silén
Sources ARS Suomen taide parts 1 - 3. Ahlstedt, Hannu: Kotikuntani Jämsänkoski. Jämsänkosken koululautakunta 1984. Keski-Suomen historia part I - III Kulha, Keijo K.: Vanhan Jämsän historia 1860-luvulta vuoteen 1925. Turku 1974. Räsänen, Timo: Jämsänkosken ja Koskenpään historia. Valkeakoski 1986. |
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