Schools of Jämsä
Already back then the parish was known for its high level of education, also among the poor. The Boards of the schools supported the schooling of children with limited means e.g. by paying for the children's school supplies, food and even the repair of their shoes. Thus, an effort was made to remove all obstacles from the children's path to learning. Next, the operating and closed schools of Jämsä from the year 1869 are presented. At the top are the schools that are still operating and at the bottom the schools that have been shut down. For more information about the schools of Jämsä: Jämsän kaupungin koulutoimi (City of Jämsä education authority)
Copy: Saija Silén Sources Jämsän koulut -section: ARS Suomen taide parts 1 - 3. Nikula, Riitta: Rakennettu Maisema - Suomen arkkitehtuurin vuosisadat. Keuruu 1993. Keski-Suomen historia parts I - III Keski-Suomen museo: Rakennusinventointitiedot Kulha, Keijo K.: Vanhan Jämsän historia 1860-luvulta vuoteen 1925. Turku 1974. Kuusisto, Seppo: Jämsän historia osat I ja II.Vammala 1989. Patjas, Auli et al.: Jämsän rakennusperinnettä. Jyväskylä 1982. Pitkäjärvi, Pekka: Jämsän koululaitoksen vaiheita 110 vuoden ajalta. Jämsä Lehti Oy 1980. Putkonen, Lauri: Rakennusperintömme - Kulttuuriympäristön lukukirja. Helsinki 2001. Räsänen, Timo: Jämsänkosken ja Koskenpään historia. Valkeakoski 1986. Suur-Jämsän historia, part 2. 1962 Suur-Jämsän historia, part 3. 1963 |
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